
Fund Classifications

Data for the Classification of Investment Funds as per AIFMD and the Reform of the German Investment Taxation in 2018

The query profile Fund Classifications contains static data fields for Investment Funds regarding classification according to the Investment Tax Act (InvStG) and the Capital Investment Code (KAGB).

Detail display Investment Fund Classifications for ISIN LU0133712611.

Included data fields

In this query profile, you will find among other data fields, the following:

  • GD504D Applicable tax procedure as of 1 January 2018
  • GD504F Transparency exercise option as per sections 30,31 of the investment tax law
  • GD504G Investment funds and/or unit classes as per section 10 of the investment tax law for tax privileged investors
  • GD504H Investment funds with missing income as per section 6 of the investment tax law
  • GD504J Investment funds subject to business tax as per section 15 of the investment tax law
  • GD504K Investment funds with partial tax exemption as per section 20 of the investment tax law
  • GD504L Investment funds with partial tax exemption as per section 20 of the investment tax law
  • GD504M Investment funds as per section 2 (15) of the investment tax law
  • GD504N Investment funds as per section 26 (4) letter h of the investment tax law
  • GD504P Investment funds without tax exemption due to tax privileged investors as per section 8 of the investment tax law
  • GD504Q Corporate bodies as per section 42 (3) sentence 1 of the investment tax law
  • GD504R Equity participation minmum rate in percent
  • GD504S Real estate minimum rate in percent
  • GD504X Frequency of valuation as per sections 2(6)3 and 2(7)3 of the investment tax law
  • GD505H Identification of instruments which result in income subject to corporation tax in the case of investment funds as per section 6 (3)-(5) of the investment tax act
  • GD505J Capital claims with issuing yield
  • GD873B Alternative investment fund (AIF)
  • GD873C Corporate form (investment tax act)
  • GD873D AIF-reporting geographic zone
  • GD873E Asset allocation/ AIF-reporting security type
  • GD873F Adjustment of funds in accordance with the capital investment code (KAGB)
  • GD873G AIF acquirability
  • GD873H Classification of funds pursuant to the capital investment code (KAGB)
  • GD873J Investment fund partnerships as per section1(3) sentence 1 no.2 of the investment tax law
  • GV1B1 Applicable tax procedure, historical classification as of 1 January 2018
  • GV1B2 ? Investment fund status confirmation as per section 7 (3) of the investment tax law
  • GV1B3 Investment funds with missing income as per section 6 of the investment tax law, historical classification
  • GV1B4 Investment funds in liquidation as per section 17 of the investment tax law
  • GV1B6 Investment funds with partial tax exemption as per section 20 of the investment tax law, historical classification
  • GV1B7 Investment funds with partial exemption as per section 20 (4) of the investment tax law, historical classification
  • GV1D7 Rate of the tax free income as per fund type and investor group as per section 20 of the investment tax law, historical classification
  • GV1D8 Issue yield as per section 38(3) of the investment tax law
  • GV1D9 Investment fund status confirmation with reference number and tax number as per section 7 (3) of the investment tax law
  • GV1F7 Investment fund status certificate pursuant to section 7(3)1 of the Investment Tax Act in connection with section 7(4)3 of the Investment Tax Act


Please note that, for licensing reasons, the above GD fields are exclusively available in the wmProfile query profile for Funds Classifications / AIF and thus are not available in the wmView Securities Master Data.


Professional descriptions and explanations for data fields

For each WM field a comprehensive functional field description, often with references to the underlying laws, and including the relevant table attributes can be obtained via the optional module wmGuide.

wmGuide: Field description and table attributes GD504K (Investment funds with partial tax exemption as per section 20 of the investment tax law)

wmGuide: Field description GV1B1 (Applicable tax procedure, historical classification as of 1 January 2018)

wmGuide: Field description GD504R (Equity participation minmum rate in percent)

wmGuide: Field description and table attributes GD504H (Investment funds with missing income as per section 6 of the investment tax law)


Excerpt from WM Special Information F24 / 2017 from 08.09.2017:

Pursuant to item 2.14 of the letter of the Ministry of Finance of August 2017 “Letter on the Application of the Investment Tax Law as amended in the Law for the Reformation of Investment Taxation” (draft version) of August 2017 in connection with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of 14 June 2017 Reference: IV C 1 – p. 1980-1/16/10010 :001, a fund of funds can benefit from the partial tax exemption as per Sections 2(6) and 20(1) of the Investment Tax Law if it takes the minimum equity participation rates / real estate rates indicated in the investment terms of the target funds into account. The disclosure is based on the data provided to WM Datenservice by the fund or a fund-appointed agent. WM does not carry out its own assessment or classification. In the cases in which no self-declaration is provided, no entries are made in the master data fields GD504R and GD 504S and no data is provided.

Also, no objections are made if the fund of funds takes the actual equity participation rates / real estate rates (on each valuation day) disclosed by the target funds into account to determine its equity participation rates/ real estate rates. WM will provide the percentages determined by the funds on each valuation date in fields ID935 and ID937.

Without this option of taking the minimum equity participation rates / real estate rates or the actual equity participation rates/ real estate rates into account, a fund of funds would not be able to acquire the status of an equity, mixed, or real-estate fund entitled to partial tax exemption on shares in favor of its investors (as fund of funds generally do not invest their entire capital in target investment funds).

Equity particpation rate in percent (ID935)

The data fields ID935 (equity participation rate in percent) and ID937 (real estate rate in percent) are available in the wmView query profile (I) Fund prices, interim profits.

Current and historical data regarding ID935 and ID937

Current and historical data regarding ID935 and ID937


Changes / corrections of classification fields

Would you like to receive a notification if, for example, GD504K (Investment funds with partial tax exemption as per section 20 of the investment tax law) changes for a security you manage? With our service for monitoring WM data, a portfolio-based monitoring is possible.

We also provide convenient monitoring for corrections to ID935 or ID937. You will automatically be informed about changes in the securities you manage.

Contact us for further details and prices.


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